Setting Up an Offering
One of the first steps to interact with TransactAPI is setting up your first campaign to raise capital, known as an Offering. This is linked to an Issuer data object and there is a many to one relationship between issuers and offerings. For example, ABC Company is raising their $1mm seed round of capital. You will set up an Issuer (createIssuer) and then create the Offering (createOffering). Later, if ABC Company wants to raise a Series A round of capital, you can simply create a new offering under this issuer.
Please note that creating an offering does NOT create an associated escrow account. You must follow the steps to open an escrow account for a given offering.
Optional API Methods
Some clients elect to host their offering materials using the Offering Documents methods. Additionally, if leveraging North Capital’s integration with DocuSign, you will follow the steps here.

Updated over 1 year ago