Add New Offering
New offerings can be manually added through the TransactAPI admin dashboard
Add New Offering
Dashboard > Offerings > Add New Offering

An offering can be created by navigating to the Add New Offering page. Please ensure all data is accurate and complete, though offering data can be edited after the offering is created.

Clarification of some parameters can be found below as well as in the included Knowledge Base links.
Target Amount - The target amount for the offering is the goal amount to be raised.
Min Amount - The minimum amount is the minimum amount that can be accepted for single investment
Max Amount - The maximum amount represents the highest amount you could accept for the offering.
Price Per Unit - The unit price can also be described as the "share price." This is the incremental amount that the units are calculated off of.
New Offering Troubleshooting / Knowledge Links
If at any point further assistance is needed, please refer to the Loom videos and knowledge base links at the bottom of this page before contacting
When creating an offering, how do I connect my escrow account?
How do I know what to name the offering? Is this the same as the name on the escrow account?
What does the 'minAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
What does the 'unitPrice' parameter for createOffering represent?
What do the 'startDate' and 'endDate' parameters for createOffering represent?
What does the 'targetAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
What does the 'maxAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
How do we attach escrow accounts to our offerings?
What does it mean when the offering status is "pending," and how does this get "approved?"
Updated about 2 years ago