
Entities can be viewed, edited, added from this page. The Entity page is also where KYC/AML can be viewed, updated, or requested.


Dashboard > Parties > Entities

Bulk Action

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Bulk Action selection > Apply

Party data can be either exported or archived individually or in bulk. To do this, select the box next to the desired account(s), choose desired action (export or archive) from the dropdown box, and select Apply.

Party ID

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink

By selecting a specific Party ID number from the Parties View, many details and action buttons become available. More on Party ID and its functionality HERE

Entity Information Tab

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Entity Information tab

Basic overview information can be found by navigating to the Entity Information tab including entity name, type, EIN, etc. There are also several functions that can be found on this page.

Request KYC/AML

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Entity Information tab > Request KYC/AML

If running an entity name against global watch lists (AML verification) is not being done using API methods, it can be manually requested from the admin panel of TransactAPI. This AML check is required to be performed on entities if North Capital is acting as an escrow agent for the offering.

Utilizing the Request KYC/AML button will trigger the system to run an automated check. In the case of auto check failure, a manual check will need to be performed to compare identification documents against watch lists.

Please note that all entity documentation needs to be collected before requesting this verification.


Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Entity Information tab > Request KYC/AML

Requesting this check will trigger North Capital’s system to run an automatic KYC/AML verification check. This is an appropriate action for individual and joint parties. The pricing for this service is $25 for individuals and $75 for entities.


Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Entity Information tab > Request KYC/AML

This allows for edits to a party’s information. This may be used to add a mailing address, update contact, employer, or income information.

Entity AML Troubleshooting / Knowledge Links

If at any point further assistance is needed, please refer to the Loom videos and knowledge base links at the bottom of this page before contacting techsupport@NorthCapital.com.

Can performKycAml or performKycAmlBasic be run on an entity?

Can performAml be performed on both individual parties and entity parties?

Can North Capital manually review entity documents?

Associated Accounts Tab

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Associated Accounts tab

Under this tab, all accounts associated with the entity are listed. From this screen the account can be deleted or, by selecting the Account ID hyperlink, the admin user can navigate to the Accounts view of the TransactAPI admin dashboard. An association between an Entity and an Account is made at the account level by selecting the desired Account ID, navigating to the Associated Parties tab, selecting Add Associated Party, and finally entering the Party ID and selecting whether the party is the primary party or not.

Entity Documents Tab

Dashboard > Parties > Entities > Party ID hyperlink > Entity Documents tab

All uploaded documents associated with the entity are located under this tab. This includes documents related to KYC/AML verification. Documents can be manually added using the Add Document button. Documents can also be viewed and deleted from this page.

Notes Tab

Dashboard > Parties > Party ID hyperlink > Notes tab

Any pertinent notes can be added to this tab for storage purposes. There is no active functionality to this section.