Offering ID
The majority of offering actions occur by selecting a specific Offering ID. From here, view and edit offering information, cancel or close offers, view/edit/upload offering documents, and much more.
Offering ID
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink

Pending and Approved offerings will have a hyperlinked Offering ID. By selecting a specific Offering ID number from the Offerings View, many details and action buttons become available.
Offering Details
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Details tab

From the Offering Details Tab, there are many actions that can be taken for each individual offering.
Archive Offer
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Details tab > Archive Offer

Due to regulations, offerings cannot be permanently deleted from the system. They however, can be archived. To remove an offering from the main view, the archive offer button can be utilized.
Cancel Offer
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Details tab > Cancel Offer

In the event the offering fails to raise the minimum funds, the offering can be canceled. This action submits a request for all trades to be refunded. This is a manual process that will not be implemented until this action is completed.
Close Offer
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Details tab > Close Offer

When the offering has successfully raised funds, closing the offer will update the offering status to "Closed"
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Details tab > Edit

Offering data can be edited in the TransactAPI system at any time.
Offering Documents
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Documents tab
Offering Documents are housed under this tab. Documents can be viewed, edited, or deleted from this tab.
Add Document
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Offering Documents tab > Add Document

From here, offering documents can be added, deleted, viewed, or edited. If there are multiple documents, they can be deleted in bulk by utilizing the Bulk Action function.
Subscription Documents
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Subscription Documents tab
Add Subscription Document
Dashboard > Offerings > Offering ID hyperlink > Subscription Documents tab > Add Subscription Document

After your DocuSign account is linked to your North Capital account, specific documents can be linked to the offering. This can be done by navigating to the Offerings tab at the top of the page, then clicking on the desired Offering ID number. After navigating to the Subscription Documents tab, complete the following steps:
- Click the Add Subscription Document button in the top right hand corner of the page
- Select the correct document template from the dropdown menu
- Title the document
- Select Submit
If an alternative E-signature service is being utilized, trade documents will need to be manually uploaded. While this usually occurs via API, this operation can be done through the admin panel if needed or desired. This happens on a per trade basis. To manually add trade documents:
- Navigate to the Trades landing page
- Select the applicable Trade ID
- Select the Trade Documents tab
- Click the Add Document button
- Title the document, and select document file to upload
- Select Add Document
Trade Docs Troubleshooting / Knowledge Links / Visual Resources
If at any point further assistance is needed, please refer to the Loom videos and knowledge base links at the bottom of this page before contacting
How do I link my DocuSign account to my TransactAPI account?
Can my Offering Documents have special characters?
How to add a subscription document in TAPI (DocuSign)
DocuSign Template Troubleshooting
Dashboard > Offerings > Trade ID hyperlink > Trades tab

This tab allows the admin user to view all trades within the offering. Navigating through the hyperlinks associated with each trade pulls up specific details associated with the trade.
Dashboard > Offerings > Trade ID hyperlink > Notes tab
Notes regarding the offering can be added, edited, or viewed here.
Troubleshooting / Knowledge Base
If at any point further assistance is needed, please refer to the Loom videos and knowledge base links at the bottom of this page before contacting
When creating an offering, how do I connect my escrow account?
How do I know what to name the offering? Is this the same as the name on the escrow account?
What does the 'minAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
What does the 'unitPrice' parameter for createOffering represent?
What do the 'startDate' and 'endDate' parameters for createOffering represent?
What does the 'targetAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
What does the 'maxAmount' parameter for createOffering represent?
How do we attach escrow accounts to our offerings?
What does it mean when the offering status is "pending," and how does this get "approved?"
Updated over 1 year ago