KYC/AML General Information
Information regarding KYC and AML including status definitions, troubleshooting, and knowledge links
It is possible to view, track, and update KYC and AML verification statuses from the admin page of TransactAPI.
KYC/AML Statuses
If utilizing the API method: performKycAml, which is the automated verification method, the status will be one of the following:
- Pending - KYC/AML has been requested and is awaiting verification. If KYC/AML verification is not being handled by North Capital, the default status will stay as Pending.
- Auto Approved - KYC/AML was successfully verified via North Capital’s automated system
- Disapproved - KYC/AML status was not able to be approved
If utilizing the API method: requestKycAml, which is the manual verification method, the status will be one of the following:
- Pending - KYC/AML has been requested and is awaiting verification. If KYC/AML verification is not being handled by North Capital, the default status will stay as Pending.
- Disapproved - KYC/AML status was not able to be approved
- Needs More Info - KYC/AML could not be verified based on the investor provided information. If NC requires more information to be uploaded to review the investor, the status will change to Needs More Info and details will be provided in the notes field under the party.
- New Info Added - Once the above requested information has been uploaded, the KYC and/or AML status can be manually updated to New Info Added to notify the North Capital team to re-review.
- Manually Approved - Proof of identification has been collected, compared against watch lists, and verified manually.
International Investors
It is common for international investors without a US address to fail the automated KYC/AML verification. In these cases, a passport will be required to manually verify the investor’s identity.
If at any point further assistance is needed, please refer to the Loom videos and knowledge base links at the bottom of this page before contacting [email protected].
KYC/AML Troubleshooting / Knowledge Links
Can a P.O. Box be used as an investor address?
KYC / AML for Foreign Investors
Can a user use a US Tax ID or TIN instead of a SSN for KYC checks?
Are there different KYC/AML check options?
How are failed KYC / AML scenarios handled?
How close of a match does a name need to be to fail the AML check?
What does the account level KYC/AML mean?
Is there a limit to the amount of times I can run a KYC/AML check on a party?
Do I need to update the KYC/AML date after a check has been run?
Are the KYC and AML statuses updated automatically?
Is KYC/AML done at the party level or at the account level?
How can I test KYC/AML in the sandbox environment?
Is it required to AML check all parties within an entity?
Can performAml be performed on both individual parties and entity parties?
Updated about 2 years ago