Error Codes

This page lists all potential API Error codes and an explanation of the error. For more information contact North Capital Tech Support at

HTTP defines these standard status codes that can be used to convey the results of a client’s request.

Error CodeError Message
102Bad Request
103Invalid Developer Key/Client ID OR Developer Key not Active
104The requested class does not exist
105Invalid request
106Data / Parameter missing
107Method not implemented / found
108Too many requests
109Request time-out
109Email already exists
110Permission denied
111You are not authorized to use / invoke this method
112Admin validator is not valid
113This investor already has a finance account
113This party/entity already has a finance account
114The issuer already has a finance account
115This offer already has a finance escrow account
116This account already has an external financial account
116Offering purchased successfully
117The purchase was not successful due to an unknown error(s)
118Offering closed successfully
119Error in closeOffering
120Error in cancelOffering
120Error in deleteOffering
121Text field is missing
122Enter a valid phone number. The format should be ###-###-####
123Enter a valid search keyword
124Enter a valid email id
124User not found
125Enter numeric values only
126Enter a valid percentage(%)
127Enter a valid URL. The format should be
128Invalid date format. The format should be MM-DD-YYYY
129Enter a valid state code. Ex: Utah would be UT
130Enter a valid Zip code (numbers only)
131Enter the last 4 digits of SSN
132Enter a valid bank account number
133Issuer ID is not valid
134Reference ID is not valid
135Investor Account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
135Account ID does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
135Primary Party Account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
135Party Account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
136Issuer Account does not exist
137Escrow account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
138Offering ID does not exist
139Upload image files only - i.e. png, jpeg/jpg, gif
140Please check your file name / upload valid file extensions
141Document ID/URL does not exist
142Investor financial account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
142Party financial account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
142There is no investment made on this account for this offer
143Investors EchoSign document not signed
143Party's EchoSign document not signed
144Investors financial account EchoSign document not signed
145Investors EchoSign already signed
145Party EchoSign already signed
146Suitability does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
147Issuer external account does not exist / nickname mismatch
148Account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
149Investor external account does not exist / nickname mismatch
150Request already raised for this account
150External fund move already in process for this trade
151Suitability already active / exist
152Request ID does not exist
153Invalid related entry type
155A request has been submitted already for this offer
156Execute fund move method was not invoked for the given offering Id
159Investor status should be Self Accredited / Verified AI
160Investor Id/Client ID does not match
161Issuer Id/Client ID does not match
162Offering Id/Client ID does not match
163Offer does not have enough shares
165Investor KYC status not verified
165This customer is already verified / active
166No questions generated for this customer
167Wallet error
168Type is invalid
169No wallet record found for this type
171Wallet contract creation error
172Provider ID does not match
173This offer was closed
174AML status not verified for an account
175Linked Party AML Status was not verified
175Investor accredited status not verified
176Sorry contract related functions are for other wallet is restricted
177Default provider not assigned
178There are transactions in this escrow account. Please contact Technical Support to proceed further
179External Fund Move Record does not exist
180Contract error
181No contract record found for this type
182Investor financial account does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
183Account does not have enough funds
183Investor does not have enough funds
184Contract will be created & we will update once created
185Not enough token in selected wallet address
186Change all trades to FUNDED status
187Change all trades to PROCESSED status
188Trade account does not exist
189Trade Id does not exist
189Return already requested
190Trade status should be in CREATED
191External fund move has been invoked for this trade
192Token error
193Send Token error
194The Trade Id entered is not an ACH trade
195Investors accredited status manually verified
196Investors KYC status manually verified
198Party account does not exist
199Party Id/Client Id does not match
199First entry account does not exist
199Party agreement has been sent already
199Subscription document has been sent already
200First entry party does not exist
201First entry entity does not exist
202Related Entry Account does not exist
203Related Entry Party does not exist
204Related Entry Entity does not exist
205First Entry Type and their value and Second Entry Type and their value should not be the same value
206This link already exists
206This account already has a Primary Party
207Account Rounting Number Not Valid
207Invalid wallet credentials
208BurnId does not exist / is invalid
209File Move Tristate Sftp Error...
209Entered tokens not equal to the token purchased
210ACH request already sent this trade
210Insufficient ether balance in your wallet
211Payment Provider does not EXIST
211Account already exists
212No Tristate ACH record found
212No Custodial ACH record found
213Transaction Hash details does not EXIST
215Invalid routing number
216Docusign account Id is missing
217Error in inserting accreditation widget
218Error in updating accreditation widget
219Accreditation details not found
220Request not raised for this account
221No one has reviewed this account
222Request not approved for this account
223AI verification document not generated for this account
224Tristate trade not in pending status
224Custodial Account trade not in pending status
225No ACH details found
226No document found for this party
227Custodial request already raised for this account
227Error in vantiv credit card transaction
228Custodial account request id is invalid or does not exist
229Custodial account does not exist for this account
230No template found for this account
231No document found for this account
232Error in deleting party document
233No AI document found for this account
234ACH amount exceeds your maximum amount allowed for a single transaction
235No AI request found for this client
236Docusign is not signed
237Custodial account request form has not been sent
304Email ID already exits
305Client Name already exits
306Client id not found
307AI token issued by Northcapital
308Self created wallet token
309No token issued from AI
310Invalid token
501Error in finicity token generation
501Docusign Login Error
502Error in finicity customer generation
502Docusign Template Error
503No Record Found
504No Record Found
505Institution updation error
506Institution updation error
507Finicity MFA Error
601You have exceeded the API request limit for the day
602You have exceeded the API Method request limit for the day
705Invalid Transaction Type(Ex: ACH,WIRE,CHECK,TBD,IRA)
706Invalid Accreditation Widget Id
707Request Id does not exist
708Party Request Id does not exist
709Party Documents does not exist
709AI letter does not exist for this account
710Distribution id does not exist
710Credit Card details already added for this account
711Distribution File id does not exist
711No Credit Card record found
712Credit Card trade not in pending status.
713No Credit Card trade record found
714No Credit Card trade record found
715Account CreditCard details does not EXIST, is not ACTIVE
715This account already has a linked external account
716No Credit Card ACH record found
716Plaid Account already add this account
717No Distribution ACH record found
717Plaid Account does not exist
718Invalid Fund status type ex. - (Pending,Submitted,Settled,Returned,Voided)
718Account name does not exist
719Tristate trade should not be pending or cancelled status.
719No document found for this trade
720You are not authorized to use invoke/use this method
720Credit Card transaction amount should not be more than $5000
720External Account does not exist
720This method does not EXIST, or is not ACTIVE
721IDology request id does not exist/active
721ACH amount exceeds the maximum dollar amount allowed for this trade
722Front image does not exist
723Back image does not exist
723Special Characters not allowed
724Request ID already verified - IDoloy
725Request ID approved - scan verify to IDoloy
726Request ID not submitted to scan verify
727A credit card payment request for this trade has already been submitted
728No Credit Card trade record found this client
729Credit Card trade should not be pending or cancelled status
729Offeing reopen not successfully
730Cancel , close and archive Offering ID does not exist
730No Credit Card trade record found this client
731Credit Card trade should not be in a pending or cancelled status
732ILL format amount exits
733PPEX Connection error
734Security ID does not exist
735Account Id does not exist
736Invalid Order ID
737Order status should be Pending or Live or Partially Executed only
738Special Characters not allowed
739Status not updated
739Account notes do not exist
740Trade status should be in FUNDED or UNWIND PENDING
741Invalid Member ID
742Invalid/Missing Issuer ID
743No ATS APIs can be envoked
744CC amount exceeds the maximum dollar amount allowed for this trade
745Invalid Trade ID
746Matched Order does not exist given member ID
747Could not update this trade
747Security market hours already exist / are active
748Parameter not found for this type
749No data available for this search
750Trade document does not exist
751Error in deleting trade document
752Custodial Account amount exceeds your maximum amount allowed for a 24 hour limit
753Custodial account trade - should not allow a new trade to be created within one minute from the last trade
753Entity ID does not exist
755Trade notes does not exist
756Party Contact does not exist
757typeId already exist - Please update the data
758typeId does not exist
759Account Mailing Address does not exist
760Account Mailing Address already exists for this account
761Party Mailing Address does not exist
762Party Mailing Address already exists for this party
763Entity Supp does not exist
764Entity Supp already exists for this entity
765Account Supp does not exist
766Account Supp already exists for this account
767Account Supp506d does not exist
768Account Supp506d already exists for this account
769This Client credit card payment provider is invalid
775This Social Security Number has been flagged for suspicious activity and cannot be used to create a party. Please contact if you have any questions.
776This email address has been flagged for suspicious activity and cannot be used to create a party. Please contact if you have any questions.
1400Bad request. (Please see endpoint documentation for more information.)
1404Resource not found. (Please see endpoint documentation for more information.)
1422Invalid requests semantics. (Please see endpoint documentation for more information.)

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