Accounts View

The accounts view contains all investor account related information. From here it is possible to reprocess payments, add accounts, export data, view and update accreditation status and much more.

Accounts View

While a party represents a physical person or entity and contains a real person's information. An account is linked to a party and is the form of ownership for the investment.

While it is most common for investors to input their information to create an account through the investment portal, it may be necessary to manually create, alter, or update account information for the investor. This can be done through the admin page of TransactAPI. Navigating to the Accounts view will show a list of all created accounts. Each account listed contains the detailed information for the account and associated party such as KYC and AML verification status, accredited investor verification status, and whether documents have been uploaded for each account. KYC/AML for individuals can be found on the Parties page while KYC/AML status on the account will only be updated by North Capital if a KYB verification is run. This can be updated to reflect the overall status of the account.

An account should always be linked to at least one party and can have a many to many relationship between parities and accounts.