Obtaining Production Keys
Ready to push your integration to production? Congratulations! There are a few more steps that need to be accomplished before obtaining your API production keys. These steps are detailed below.
TransactAPI Pre-Live Certification Call
E-mail tech support at techsupport@northcapital.com to schedule your Pre-Live Certification.
Before receiving live API keys, the following items will be reviewed in a dry run:
- Accredited Investor Verification
- Money Movement Process Flow
- DocuSign Integration (if utilized)
- Returns Process
- KYC and AML Checks
- Broker Dealer Requirements
- Detailed information on this process can be found here
EFT Disclosure For All Clients
The final step before going live with your platform is adding the North Capital EFT Disclosure to your website terms of service. The disclosure can be found here.
Accessing Production Keys
Once your platform is set up in the Sandbox environment, and have completed the Pre-Live Certification process, you will be given access to your API production keys.
Updated about 2 years ago