
This method is used to upload documentation to verify Accredited Investor status to a specific account. NCPS requires one of the three following options for accreditation verification: 1) W2's, 1099's or tax returns for the past two years to show your individual income exceeds $200,000 (or joint income exceeds $300,000) for each year. 2) Provide recent account statements or third party appraisals that show the value of your assets exceed $1,000,000 excluding your primary residence. (Must be dated within the last 3 months) 3) Provide an official written communication from any of the following stating that the professional service provider has a reasonable belief that you are an Accredited Investor (Must be dated within the last 3 months): A licensed CPA, Attorney, Investment Advisor, or Registered broker-dealer.
PDF, jpg, and png files are supported. Files cannot be larger than 100 MB.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
accountIdyesstringAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount)
documentTitleyesstringUploaded document title.
userfileyesfileRaw file data. Specification of raw file data is application specific. Accepted file types are PDF, JPG, PNG, HEIC and BMP. Minimum file size is 1 kB. Maximum file size is 100 MB. Please refer to the Sample Requests section for reference implementations.

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/uploadVerificationDocument' \
--form 'userfile=@"/Users/laurencoalmer/Documents/Test.pdf"' \
--form 'accountId="A2009239"' \
--form 'documentTitle="Test Doc123"' \
--form 'developerAPIKey="somedeveloperapi"' \
--form 'clientID="someclientid"'
const axios = require('axios');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const fs = require('fs');
let data = new FormData();
data.append('clientID', 'yourClientID');
data.append('developerAPIKey', 'yourDevKey');
data.append('documentTitle', 'My Document');
data.append('accountId', 'Your Account ID');
data.append('userfile', fs.createReadStream('/Users/folder/file.png'));

let config = {
  method: 'post',
  maxBodyLength: Infinity,
  url: 'https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/uploadVerificationDocument',
  headers: { 
  data : data

.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
document_detailsstringDocument has been uploaded successfully

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "101",
    "statusDesc": "Ok",
    "document_details": "Document has been uploaded Successfully"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!