
Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
securityIdyesstringSecurity ID
mondayClosednostring"yes" if the market is closed, null if hours are specified
mondayHoursStartnostringspecified time (EST)
mondayHoursEndnostringspecified time (EST)
tuesdayClosednostring"yes" if the market is closed, null if hours are specified
tuesdayHoursStartnostringspecified time (EST)
tuesdayHoursEndnostringspecified time (EST)
wednesdayClosednostring"yes" if the market is closed, null if hours are specified
wednesdayHoursStartnostringspecified time (EST)
wednesdayHoursEndnostringspecified time (EST)
thursdayClosednostring"yes" if the market is closed, null if hours are specified
thursdayHoursStartnostringspecified time (EST)
thursdayHoursEndnostringspecified time (EST)
fridayClosednostring"yes" if the market is closed, null if hours are specified
fridayHoursStartnostringspecified time (EST)
fridayHoursEndnostringspecified time (EST)

Sample Request

curl -k -X POST
 -d clientID=someclientid
 -d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
 -d securityId=94216
 -d mondayHoursStart=06:01
 -d mondayHoursEnd=16:01
 -d mondayClosed=no
-d tuesdayHoursStart=06:01
 -d tuesdayHoursEnd=16:01
 -d tuesdayClosed=no
-d wednesdayHoursStart=06:01
 -d wednesdayHoursEnd=16:01
 -d wednesdayClosed=no
-d thursdayHoursStart=06:01
 -d thursdayHoursEnd=16:01
 -d thursdayClosed=no
-d fridayHoursStart=06:01
 -d fridayHoursEnd=16:01
 -d fridayClosed=no

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
securityHoursDetailsstringArray of details of the hours for security ID

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "101",
    "statusDesc": "Ok",
    "securityHoursDetails": {
        "securityId": "94216",
        "mondayClosed": "No",
        "mondayStartHours": "6",
        "mondayStartMins": "1",
        "mondayCloseHours": "23",
        "mondayCloseMins": "59",
        "tuesdayClosed": "No",
        "tuesdayStartHours": "5",
        "tuesdayStartMins": "15",
        "tuesdayCloseHours": "23",
        "tuesdayCloseMins": "59",
        "wednesdayClosed": "No",
        "wednesdayStartHours": "3",
        "wednesdayStartMins": "0",
        "wednesdayCloseHours": "23",
        "wednesdayCloseMins": "59",
        "thursdayClosed": "No",
        "thursdayStartHours": "0",
        "thursdayStartMins": "0",
        "thursdayCloseHours": "23",
        "thursdayCloseMins": "59",
        "fridayClosed": "No",
        "fridayStartHours": "0",
        "fridayStartMins": "0",
        "fridayCloseHours": "23",
        "fridayCloseMins": "59"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!