
This method is used to update the additional fields that may be required in order to open a custodial account through North Capital Private Securities.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
partyIdyesstringParty ID that is generated by the API once an party is created (createParty)
relationshipnostringThe party's relationship to the account owner. Put "owner" if this is the account owner.
salutationnoconditional1 - Mr. 2 - Mrs. 3 - Ms. 4 - Dr.
countryOfCitizenshipnostringParty's country of citizenship.
authorizedSignernoconditionalIs this party the authorized signer for the account? 1 - Yes 2 - No
controlPersonnoconditionalIs this party a control person for the account? 1 - Yes 2 - No
politicallyExposedPersonnoconditionalIs this person considered a politically exposed person? 1 - Yes 2 - No
politicallyExposedPersonDetailsnostringIf the person selects "Yes" that they are a politically exposed person, then this field is required. Please provide the details of the politically exposed person.
beneficiaryTypenoconditionalIf this party is a beneficiary for the account, please provide if they are a 1 - Spouse 2 - Non-Spouse 3 - Trust/Entity beneficiary type
beneficiaryPercentagenointegerIf this party is a beneficiary for the account, please provide the percentage.
mailingAddressLine1nostringMailing Address Line 1
mailingAddressLine2nostringMailing Address Line 2
mailingCitynostringMailing Address City
mailingStatenostringMailing Address State
mailingZipCodenostringMailing Address Zip Code
mailingCountrynostringMailing Address Country
publicCompanynostringIs this party associated with a public company? 1 - Yes 2 - No
companyTickernostringCompany Ticker if public company association is "1 - Yes"
associatedFirmnostringIf the party is associated with a broker dealer, please indicate the name of the Associated Firm

Sample Request

curl -k -X POST https://tapi-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/updateCustodyPartySupplement
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperKey
-d partyId=somepartyid
-d relationship=owner
-d salutation=Mr
-d countryOfCitizenship=citizenship
-d authorizedSigner=yes
-d controlPerson=yes
-d politicallyExposedPerson=yes
-d politicallyExposedPersonDetails=some details
-d beneficiaryType=Spouse
-d beneficiaryPercentage=some details
-d mailingAddressLine1=address1
-d mailingAddressLine2=address2
-d mailingCity=city
-d mailingState=state
-d mailingZipCode=54321
-d mailingCountry=US
-d publicCompany=yes
-d mailingCountry=test
-d associatedFirm=test

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
partyDetailsstringAn array of party details

Sample Response

	"statusCode": "101",
	"statusDesc": "Ok",
	"partyDetails": [{
		"partyId": "P43256"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!