This method is used to update the additional fields that may be required in order to open a custodial account through North Capital Private Securities.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
partyId | yes | string | Party ID that is generated by the API once an party is created (createParty) |
relationship | no | string | The party's relationship to the account owner. Put "owner" if this is the account owner. |
salutation | no | conditional | 1 - Mr. 2 - Mrs. 3 - Ms. 4 - Dr. |
countryOfCitizenship | no | string | Party's country of citizenship. |
authorizedSigner | no | conditional | Is this party the authorized signer for the account? 1 - Yes 2 - No |
controlPerson | no | conditional | Is this party a control person for the account? 1 - Yes 2 - No |
politicallyExposedPerson | no | conditional | Is this person considered a politically exposed person? 1 - Yes 2 - No |
politicallyExposedPersonDetails | no | string | If the person selects "Yes" that they are a politically exposed person, then this field is required. Please provide the details of the politically exposed person. |
beneficiaryType | no | conditional | If this party is a beneficiary for the account, please provide if they are a 1 - Spouse 2 - Non-Spouse 3 - Trust/Entity beneficiary type |
beneficiaryPercentage | no | integer | If this party is a beneficiary for the account, please provide the percentage. |
mailingAddressLine1 | no | string | Mailing Address Line 1 |
mailingAddressLine2 | no | string | Mailing Address Line 2 |
mailingCity | no | string | Mailing Address City |
mailingState | no | string | Mailing Address State |
mailingZipCode | no | string | Mailing Address Zip Code |
mailingCountry | no | string | Mailing Address Country |
publicCompany | no | string | Is this party associated with a public company? 1 - Yes 2 - No |
companyTicker | no | string | Company Ticker if public company association is "1 - Yes" |
associatedFirm | no | string | If the party is associated with a broker dealer, please indicate the name of the Associated Firm |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperKey
-d partyId=somepartyid
-d relationship=owner
-d salutation=Mr
-d countryOfCitizenship=citizenship
-d authorizedSigner=yes
-d controlPerson=yes
-d politicallyExposedPerson=yes
-d politicallyExposedPersonDetails=some details
-d beneficiaryType=Spouse
-d beneficiaryPercentage=some details
-d mailingAddressLine1=address1
-d mailingAddressLine2=address2
-d mailingCity=city
-d mailingState=state
-d mailingZipCode=54321
-d mailingCountry=US
-d publicCompany=yes
-d mailingCountry=test
-d associatedFirm=test
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
partyDetails | string | An array of party details |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"partyDetails": [{
"partyId": "P43256"