This method is used to get information about an issuer. You will need to specify the Issuer ID as a request parameter to get the issuer information.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
issuerId | yes | string | Issuer ID that is generated by the API when an Issuer is created (createIssuer) |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d clientID=someclientid
-d issuerId=652683
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
issuerDetails | string | Array of issuer details includes all information of the matched issuers (issuerId, issuerName, firstName, lastName, email, phoneNumber, issuerStatus) |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"issuerDetails": [
"issuerId": "96763",
"issuerName": "EphronSys",
"firstName": "Ephron",
"lastName": "Sys",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": null,
"issuerStatus": "Pending"