This method is used to update the status of a trade. CREATED - Investment has been created and funds have not yet been received; FUNDED - Funds have been received in escrow; UNWIND PENDING - The funds have been received in escrow and is pending to be returned to the investor; UNWIND SETTLED - The funds have been received in escrow then returned back to the investor; SETTLED - The investment has been accepted by the Issuer and funds have been released from escrow to the Issuer;
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
tradeId | yes | integer | Trade ID generated by the API |
accountId | yes | string | Account ID generated by the API |
orderStatus | yes | conditional | Trade Status: CREATED | FUNDED | UNWIND PENDING | UNWIND SETTLED | SETTLED |
errDesc | no | string | Transact API's Error Description |
field1 | no | string | field1 |
field2 | no | string | field2 |
field3 | no | string | field3 |
closeId | no | string | closeId |
RRName | no | string | RRName |
RRApprovalDate | no | string | RRApprovalDate |
RRApprovalStatus | no | string | RRApprovalStatus |
PrincipalName | no | string | PrincipalName |
PrincipalDate | no | string | PrincipalDate |
PrincipalApprovalStatus | no | string | PrincipalApprovalStatus |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d tradeId=141103099
-d accountId=A11501
-d orderStatus=CREATED
-d RRApprovalStatus=Pending
-d RRName=test
-d RRApprovalDate=11-11-2020
-d PrincipalApprovalStatus=Approved
-d PrincipalName=test
-d PrincipalDate=11-18-2020
-d errDesc=error
-d field1= Additional information relating to the trade. Custom Field 1
-d field2= Additional information relating to the trade. Custom Field 2
-d field3=Additional information relating to the trade. Custom Field 3
-d closeId=closeId
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
tradeDetails | string | Array of trade details (partyId, offeringId, orderStatus) |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"tradeDetails": [
"partyId": "P00197",
"offeringId": "32957",
"orderStatus": "FUNDED"