
This method is used to create an Entity Party in Transact API. This method will return the entity Party ID as a successful response.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
domicilenoconditionalU.S. citizen / U.S. resident / non-resident
entityNameyesstringName of the Entity
entityTypenointegerRevocable Trust, Irrevocable Trust, Limited Partnership, LLC, Corporation
entityDescnostringDescription of the entity
einnostringThe entity's Employer Identification number (EIN) or Individual Social Security Number if applicable
primCountryyesstringThe country in which the entity's primary physical address is located
primAddress1yesstringThe entity's primary physical address, Line 1
primAddress2nostringThe entity's primary physical address, Line 2
primCityyesstringThe city in which the entity's primary physical address is located
primStateyesstringThe state in which the entity’s physical address is located (must be the two letter abbreviated form).
Use the value “NOUS” for addresses outside the United States.
primZipyesstringThe ZIP / postal code of the entity's primary physical address
emailAddressyesstringEntity party's primary email address
emailAddress2nostringEntity party's secondary email address
phonenointegerEntity party's primary phone number
phone2nointegerEntity party's secondary phone number
totalAssetsnointegerTotal amount of the entity's assets
ownersAInoconditionalYes or No. Are the owners/members of the entity accredited investors?
KYCstatusnoconditionalKnow Your Customer(KYC) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"
AMLstatusnoconditionalAnti-Money Laundering(AML) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"
AMLdatenostringDate of Anti-Money Laundering(AML) status update from the default "Pending" status
tagsnostringUp to 10 tags can be added to an account separated by commas. These are generally completed in the TAPI Admin interface or with question-based tag generation
createdIpAddressyesstringIP Address associated with the createEntity method call
notesnostringFree form text for any notes that need to be added to the entity party
formationDatenodateFormation date for the entity

Sample Request

curl -k -X PUT
 -d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
 -d clientID=someclientid
 -d domicile=U.S. citizen
 -d entityName=John
 -d entityType=LLC
 -d entityDesc=Description
 -d EIN=112223333
 -d primCountry=USA
 -d primAddress1=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d primAddress2=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d primCity=Atlanta
 -d primState=GA
 -d primZip=30318
 -d phone=11223364585
 -d phone2=565656565
 -d totalAssets=10c
 -d ownersAI=Yes
 -d KYCstatus=pending
 -d AMLstatus=pending
 -d AMLdate=03-15-2016
 -d tags=tags
 -d createdIpAddress=
 -d notes=Notes Added
-d formationDate=07-25-2016

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
partyIdintegerUnique identifier code for the entity party

Sample Response

  "statusCode": "101",
  "statusDesc": "Ok",
  "entityDetails": {
  "1": [
  "partyId": "P12345"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!