
This method is used to create an individual Party in Transact API. This method will return the Party ID as a successful response.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
domicileyesconditionalIs the party a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Resident, or non-resident
firstNameyesstringParty's First Name
middleInitialnostringParty's Middle Initial
lastNameyesstringParty's Last Name
socialSecurityNumbernostringThe Party's Full SSN ( xxx-xx-xxxx )
dobyesstringThe Party's Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
primCountryyesstringThe country in which the Party's physical address resides
primAddress1yesstringThe Party's physical address, line 1
primAddress2nostringThe Party's physical address, line 2
primCityyesstringThe city of the Party's physical address
primStateyesstringThe state in which the party’s primary residence is located (must be two letter abbreviated form).
Use the value “NOUS” for addresses outside the United States.
primZipyesstringZip code
emailAddressyesstringParty's contact email address
emailAddress2nostringParty's contact email address
phonenointegerParty's contact phone number
phone2nointegerParty's contact phone number
occupationnostringParty's occupation
associatedPersonnoconditionalYes or No - Is the party associated with a broker dealer?
empCountrynostringEmployer country
empAddress1nostringEmployer address 1
empAddress2nostringEmployer address 2
empCitynostringEmployer city
empStatenostringEmployer state
empZipnostringEmployer zip
empNamenostringEmployer name
currentAnnIncomenointegerParty's current annual income
avgAnnIncomenointegerParty's average income over the past 2 years
currentHouseholdIncomenointegerParty's household income
avgHouseholdIncomenointegerParty's average household income
householdNetworthnointegerHousehold net worth
KYCstatusnoconditionalKnow Your Customer(KYC) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"
AMLstatusnoconditionalAnti-Money Laundering (AML) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"
AMLdatenostringDate of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) status update from the default "Pending" status
tagsnostringUp to 10 tags, comma separated. Generally completed in the Admin interface or with question-based tag generation
createdIpAddressnostringIP Address associated with the createParty method call
notesnostringFree form text for any notes that need to be added to the party
empStatusnoconditionalSelect any one employee status.(eg: Employed, Not Employed, Retired, Student)
field1nostringAdditional information relating to the party. Custom Field 1
field2nostringAdditional information relating to the party. Custom Field 2
field3nostringAdditional information relating to the party. Custom Field 3
invest_tonoconditional0 - I will be investing for myself
1 - I will be investing on behalf of another person or entity"

Sample Request

curl -k -X PUT
 -d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
 -d clientID=someclientid
 -d domicile=U.S. citizen
 -d firstName=John
 -d middleInitial=D
 -d lastName=Smith
 -d socialSecurityNumber=112-22-3333
 -d dob=28-02-1975
 -d primCountry=USA
 -d primAddress1=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d primAddress2=TREE PLACE
 -d primCity=Atlanta
 -d primState=GA
 -d primZip=30318
 -d emailAddress2=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d phone=11223364585
 -d phone2=9876543210
 -d occupation=Developer
 -d associatedPerson=Yes
 -d invest_to=0
 -d empStatus=Employed
 -d empCountry=USA
 -d empName=Name
 -d empAddress1=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d empAddress2=PEACHTREE PLACE
 -d empCity=Atlanta
 -d empState=GA
 -d empZip=30318
 -d currentAnnIncome=200000
 -d avgAnnIncome=200000
 -d currentHouseholdIncome=200000
 -d avgHouseholdIncome=200000
 -d householdNetworth=200000
 -d KYCstatus=pending
 -d AMLstatus=pending
 -d AMLdate=02-15-2016
 -d tags=tags
 -d field1=some text
 -d field2=some text
 -d field3=some text
 -d createdIpAddress=
 -d notes=Notes Added

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
partyDetailsarrayThe first value should be ignored. The second value is an array with one element, the new created by this request. See details below

partyDetails ParametersTypeDescription
partyIdstringParty ID that is generated by the API once an individual party is created (createParty)
KYCstatusconditionalKnow Your Customer(KYC) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"
AMLstatusconditionalAnti-Money Laundering (AML) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending"

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "101",
    "statusDesc": "Ok",
    "partyDetails": [
                "partyId": "P2726178",
                "KYCstatus": null,
                "AMLstatus": null

Test it Yourself!

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