
This method is used to update investment suitability information for an account (createAccount)

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransact API Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransact API Developer Key
accountIdyesintegerAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created(createAccount)
riskProfilenoconditionalRisk Profile Score: 1,2,3,4,5 (1=very conservative; 5=very aggressive)
investmentExperiencenoconditionalInvestment Experience Score: 1,2,3,4,5 (1=none; 5=extensive)
privOffExperiencenoconditionalExperience Investing in Private Offerings Score: 1,2,3,4,5 (1=none; 5=extensive)
pctPrivSecuritiesnointegerPercentage of the Investor's Investment Portfolio that is invested in Private Placements
pctIlliquidSecuritiesnointegerPercentage of the Investor's Investment Portfolio that is invested in Illiquid Securities
pctLiquidSecuritiesnointegerPercentage of the Investor's Investment Portfolio that is invested in Liquid Securities
pctRealEstatenointegerPercentage of the Investor's Investment Portfolio that is invested in Real Estate
timeHorizonnoconditionalThe number of years until the investment portfolio is expected to reach maturity
educationnoconditionalInvestor's Highest level of education: High School or GED, 4 Year College or University, Graduate Degree, Other
financialAdvisornostringYes or No. Does the Investor have a financial advisor?
notesnostringFree form text for any notes that need to be added for the suitability
invesmentObjectivenostringPrimarily on Capital Preservation,Both Capital Preservation and Growth,Primarily Focused on growth
additionalnotesnostringPrimarily on Capital Preservation,Both Capital Preservation and Growth,Primarily Focused on growth

Sample Request

curl -k -X PUT https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/updateSuitability
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d accountId=A55473
-d riskProfile=1
-d investmentExperience=1
-d investmentObjective=Both Capital Preservation and Growth
-d privOffExperience=1
-d pctPrivSecurities=5
-d pctIlliquidSecurities=4
-d pctLiquidSecurities=4
-d pctRealEstate=6
-d timeHorizon=4
-d education=High School or GED
-d financialAdvisor=yes
-d notes=Suitability for an account
-d additionalnotes=Suitability for an account

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
accountIdstringUnique identifier code for the account

Sample Response

        "statusCode": "101",
        "statusDesc": "Ok",
        "accountDetails": [{
                "accountId": "A55473"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!