
This method is used to request a custodial account. This is the first step to opening a custodial account through North Capital Private Securities. This is specifically for IRA accounts.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
accountIdyesstringAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount)
appointmentOfInvestmentManagernostring1 - I/We wish to appoint an investment manager. Complete Part 1A 2 - No appointment at this time
proxyVotingPreferencesnostring1 - Receive all proxy materials 2 - Send all proxy marterials to an investment manager 3 - Do not send proxy material
otherServicesnostringPlease provide the details of the other services required.
methodOfContributionOrFundingnostring1 - Transfer Direct movement of assets from an IRA into this IRA 2 - Regular Contribution Includes catch-up contributions. 3 - Roth Conversion A taxable movement from a Traditional or Simple IRA into this Roth IRA. By selecting this transaction, you irrevocably designate this contribution as a conversion. 4 - Rollover Distribution from an IRA or eligible employersponsored retirement plan that is being deposited into this IRA. By selecting this transaction, you irrevocably designate this contribution as a rollover. 5 - SEP Contribution Contribution made under a SEP plan. SEP contributions are reported for the year in which the contribution is made
methodOfContributionTaxYearnostringIf "methodOfContributionOrFunding is option 2 - this is required to complete "Contribution for Tax Year 'YYYY'.
internationalAccountNumbernostringIf the account is an international account, please include the account number here.
bankFirmName1nostringName of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankCountry1nostringCountry of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountNumber1nostringAccount number of the account where the assets are currently held.
bankFirmName2nostringName of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankCountry2nostringCountry of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountName2nostringName on the account where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountNumber2nostringAccount number of the account where the assets are currently held.
maritalStatusnoconditional1 - Not married. 2 - Married If you designate a primary benefiicary other than or in addition to your spouse, spousal consent may be required.
mailingAddressLine1yesstringMailing Address Line 1
mailingAddressLine2nostringMailing Address Line 2
mailingCityyesstringMailing Address City
mailingStateyesstringMailing Address State
mailingZipCodeyesstringMailing Address Zip Code
mailingCountryyesstringMailing Address Country

Sample Request

curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=someclientid
-d accountId=someaccountid
-d proxyVotingPreferences=proxyVotingPreferences
-d otherServices=otherServices
-d methodOfContributionOrFunding=type
-d methodOfContributionTaxYear=some year
-d internationalAccountNumber=internationalAccountNumber
-d bankFirmName1=bankFirmName1
-d bankCountry1=bankCountry1
-d bankAccountName1=bankAccountName1
-d bankAccount Number1=bankAccount Number1
-d bankFirmName2=bankFirmName
-d bankCountry2=bankCountry
-d bankAccountName2=bankAccountName
-d bankAccountNumber2=bankAccountNumber
-d maritalStatus=1
-d mailingAddressLine1=Mailing Address Line 1
-d mailingAddressLine2=Mailing Address Line 2
-d mailingCity=Mailing Address City
-d mailingState=Mailing Address State
-d mailingZipCode=Mailing Address Zip Code
-d mailingCountry=Mailing Address Country

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
accountDetailsstringAn array of custodial account includes all information of the custodial account

accountIdstringAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount)
appointmentOfInvestmentManagerstring1 or 2
proxyVotingPreferencesstring1, 2, or 3
otherServicesstringDetails of the other services required.
methodOfContributionOrFundingstring1, 2, 3, 4, or 5,
internationalAccountNumberstringInternational account number
bankFirmName1stringName of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankCountry1stringCountry of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountName1stringAccount name of the account where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountNumber1stringAccount number of the account where the assets are currently held.
bankFirmName2stringCountry of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankCountry2stringCountry of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountName2stringName of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held.
bankAccountNumber2stringAccount number of the account where the assets are currently held.
maritalStatusconditional1 - Not married. 2 - Married
mailingAddressLine1stringMailing address
mailingAddressLine2stringMailing address
mailingCitystringMailing city
mailingStatestringMailing state
mailingZipCodestringMailing zip code
mailingCountrystringMailing country

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "101",
    "statusDesc": "Account added successfully.",
    "accountDetails": {
        "accountId": "A3091454",
        "appointmentOfInvestmentManager": "2",
        "proxyVotingPreferences": "2",
        "otherServices": "",
        "methodOfContributionOrFunding": "4",
        "methodOfContributionTaxYear": "",
        "internationalAccountNumber": "",
        "bankFirmName1": "Bank of America",
        "bankCountry1": "US",
        "bankAccountName1": "",
        "bankAccountNumber1": "123456789",
        "bankFirmName2": "",
        "bankCountry2": "",
        "bankAccountName2": "",
        "bankAccountNumber2": "",
        "maritalStatus": "1",
        "mailingAddressLine1": "",
        "mailingAddressLine2": "",
        "mailingCity": "",
        "mailingState": "",
        "mailingZipCode": "",
        "mailingCountry": ""

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!