This method is used to retrieve all the external fund move details for all ACH transactions that have been processed for a particular Account (createAccount)
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
accountId | yes | string | Account ID or Issuer ID that is generated by the API when an Account(createAccount) or Issuer(createIssuer) is created. |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d accountId=A77952
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
acccountFundmoveDetails | string | Array of external fund move details for an account that includes all information for the fund moves created for the matched account |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"accountDetails": [
"accountId": "A49501",
"tradeId": "880696248",
"offeringId": "81272",
"Bankname": "Testing",
"totalAmount": "1000.000000",
"Accountnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDAwMA==",
"Routingnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5",
"RefNum": null,
"Accountfullname": "Testing",
"transactionstatus": "Approved",
"routingNumberStatus": "Verified",
"fundStatus": "Verification Pending",
"errors": null,
"createdDate": "2018-06-16 05:49:10"
"accountId": "A49501",
"tradeId": "623303227",
"offeringId": "44238",
"Bankname": "Testing",
"totalAmount": "5.000000",
"Accountnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDAwMA==",
"Routingnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5",
"RefNum": null,
"Accountfullname": "Testing",
"transactionstatus": "Pending",
"routingNumberStatus": "Verified",
"fundStatus": "Pending",
"errors": null,
"createdDate": "2018-07-06 11:35:45"
"accountId": "A49501",
"tradeId": "385938050",
"offeringId": "44238",
"Bankname": "Testing",
"totalAmount": "1.000000",
"Accountnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDAwMA==",
"Routingnumber": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5",
"RefNum": null,
"Accountfullname": "Testing",
"transactionstatus": "Pending",
"routingNumberStatus": "Verified",
"fundStatus": "Pending",
"errors": null,
"createdDate": "2018-07-06 11:59:16"