
This method is used to collect documents when North Capital is providing a manual review of KYC/AML. There is an additional reviewing fee that will be charged to use this method.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
requestIdyesstringParty Request ID Generated by API
investorIdyesstringParty Id or Entity Id or Account Id Generated by API
documentTitleyesstringUploaded document title. Legacy users can still use the prefix "documentTitle0=" but it is no longer required.
userfile0yesstringWhile uploading the PDF files, please provide a temporary file name. Prefix @ on the file name. Eg : @/tmp/phpAHi2ZC Request parameter should be userfile0 for documents upload.Refer Sample Request set below
createdIpAddressyesstringRequested IP Address

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '' 
--form 'documentTitle="documentTitle0= NEw REquest DOc&"' 
--form 'userfile0=@"/C:/Users/marim/OneDrive/Desktop/3pmR29DZ562837683a10bcAI.pdf"' 
--form 'developerAPIKey=""' 
--form 'clientID=""' 
--form 'requestId=""' 
--form 'investorId=""' 
--form 'createdIpAddress=""'

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
documentDetailsstringDocument has been uploaded successfully

Sample Response

  "statusCode": "101",
  "statusDesc": "Ok",
  "document_details": "Document has been uploaded Successfully"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!