
This method is used to get the Cash, Securities, and Total account values of a custody account.

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
accountIdyesstringAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount)

Sample Request

curl -k -X POST
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d clientID=someclientid
-d accountId=accountId

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
custodyBalancesobjectCustody account balances and intents

accountIDstringAccount the request is being made against
fundMoveIntentsnumberThe total amount of intended deposits (fund movements into the account), in decimal dollars. Deposits that have been registered with the payment processor but have not been submitted to the bank for processing.
disbursementIntentsnumberThe total amount of intended withdrawals (disbursements from the account), in decimal dollars. Withdrawals that have been registered with the payment processor but have not been processed nor initiated.
cashAvailableBalancenumberThe available cash balance of all settled transactions in the account, in decimal dollars.
cashTotalBalancenumberThe total cash balance in the account, including any pending transactions, in decimal dollars.
securitiesPositionnumberThe total value of securities held in the account, in decimal dollars.

Sample Response

  "statusCode": "101",
  "statusDesc": "Ok",
  "custodyBalances": [
      "accountId": "A50648187",
      "fundMoveIntents": 200000000,
      "disbursementIntents": 1000,
      "cashAvailableBalance": 261266.75,
      "cashTotalBalance": 262290.2,
      "securitiesPosition": 16810
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!