put https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/editTrade
This method is used to edit a particular Trade from Transact API. A trade can only be updated if it has a "CREATED" status.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
accountId | yes | string | Account ID generated by the API |
offeringId | yes | string | Offering ID generated by the API |
tradeId | yes | string | Trade ID generated by the API |
shares | yes | string | Trade shares |
closeId | no | string | closeId |
Sample Request
curl -k -X PUT https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/editTrade
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d clientID=someclientid
-d accountId=A12345
-d offeringId=511245
-d tradeId=2354
-d shares=10.58
-d closeId=closeId
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
TradeFinancialDetails | string | Returns the Trade details (tradeId, shares, sharePrice, totalShares, remainingShares) |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"TradeFinancialDetails": {
"tradeId": "2354",
"shares": "10.58",
"sharePrice": 280.50,
"totalShares": "100.00",
"remainingShares": "89.42"