This method is used to create an Entity party. This method will return the entity Party ID as a successful response.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
partyId | yes | integer | Party ID that is generated by the API once an entity party is created (createEntity) |
domicile | no | conditional | U.S. Domicile or non-U.S. |
entityName | no | string | Name of the Entity |
entityType | no | conditional | Revocable Trust, Irrevocable Trust, Limited Partnership, LLC, Corporation |
entityDesc | no | string | Description of the entity |
ein | no | string | The entity's Employer Identification number (EIN) or Individual Social Security Number if applicable |
primCountry | no | string | The country in which the entity's primary physical address is located |
primAddress1 | no | string | The entity's primary physical address, Line 1 |
primAddress2 | no | string | The entity's primary physical address, Line 2 |
primCity | no | string | The city in which the entity's primary physical address is located |
primState | no | string | The state in which the entity’s physical address is located (must be the two letter abbreviated form). Use the value “NOUS” for addresses outside the United States. |
primZip | no | string | The Zip / postal code of the entity's primary physical address |
emailAddress | no | string | Entity party's primary email address |
emailAddress2 | no | string | Entity party's secondary email address |
phone | no | integer | Entity party's primary phone number |
phone2 | no | integer | Entity party's secondary phone number |
totalAssets | no | integer | Total amount of the entity's assets |
ownersAI | no | conditional | Yes or No. Are the owners/members of the entity accredited investors? |
KYCstatus | no | conditional | Know Your Customer (KYC) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending" |
AMLstatus | no | conditional | Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. Default status is "Pending" |
AMLdate | no | string | Date of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) status update from the default "Pending" status |
tags | no | string | Up to 10 tags can be added to an account separated by commas. These are generally completed in the TAPI Admin interface or with question-based tag generation |
notes | no | string | Free form text for any notes that need to be added to the entity party |
updatedIpAddress | yes | integer | IP address associated with the updateEntity method call |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d clientID=someclientid
-d partyId=P48864
-d domicile=U.S. domicile
-d entityName=John
-d entityType=LLC
-d entityDesc=Description
-d EIN=112223333
-d primCountry=USA
-d primAddress1=PEACHTREE PLACE
-d primAddress2=PEACHTREE PLACE
-d primCity=Atlanta
-d primState=GA
-d primZip=30318
-d phone=11223364585
-d phone2=565656565
-d totalAssets=10c
-d ownersAI=Yes
-d KYCstatus=Pending
-d AMLstatus=Pending
-d AMLdate=03-15-2016
-d tags=tags
-d updatedIpAddress=
-d notes=Notes Added
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
partyId | integer | Unique identifier code for the entity party |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Ok",
"entityDetails": {
"1": [{
"partyId": "P48864"