
This method is used to update a specific account (updateAccount)

Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
accountIdyesintegerAccount ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount).
accountRegistrationyesstringInvestor Account Name. Must be the exact registration of the account, such as "John Doe and Jane Doe JTWROS" or "John Doe IRA" or "Doe Family Trust"
typeyesconditionalType of Account: Individual, Entity, TIC, JTWROS, IRA, SepIRA, ROTH, Joint
entityTypenoconditionalType of Entity: Revocable Trust, Irrevocable Trust, Limited Partnership, LLC, Corporation
domesticYNyesconditionalDomestic or International Account - "domestic_account" or "international_account"
streetAddress1yesstringAccount Street Address Line 1
streetAddress2nostringAccount Street Address Line 2
cityyesstringAccount City
stateyesstringThe state in which the account holders primary residence (or physical address) is located (must use abbreviated 2 letter form).
Use the value “NOUS” for addresses outside the United States.
zipyesstringAccount Zip/Postal Code
countryyesstringAccount Country
emailnostringAccount Primary Email Address
phonenointegerAccount Primary Phone Number
taxIDnointegerAccount Tax ID Number
KYCstatusnoconditionalKnow Your Customer(KYC) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. The default status is "Pending"
AMLstatusnoconditionalAnti-Money Laundering (AML) Status: Pending, Auto Approved, Manually Approved, Disapproved. The default status is "Pending"
AMLdatenodateDate that the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) status was updated from the default "Pending" status.
suitabilityScorenointegerScore from 1 to 5. 5 being most suitable and 1 being least suitable
suitabilityDatenodateDate that a Registered Representative (RR) approved the suitability for the account.
suitabilityApprovernostringThe name of the Registered Representative (RR) that approved the suitability for the account.
AccreditedStatusnoconditionalThe Accreditation Status for the Account: Pending, Self Accredited, Verified Accredited, Not Accredited. The default status is "Pending"
AllownoconditionalHow the account was accredited: Income, Assets, All parties accredited, Pending
AIdatenodateThe date that the most recent accreditation review will expire.
506cLimitnointegerThe maximum total dollar amount that can be invested in Regulation D 506(c) offerings by this account
accountTotalLimitnointegerThe maximum total amount that can be invested from this account
singleInvestmentLimitnointegerThe maximum amount that can be invested in a single investment for the account
associatedACnoconditionalYes or No. Generally completed in the Admin interface following a discussion with the Investor
syndicatenoconditionalYes or No. Generally completed in the Admin interface following a discussion with the Investor
tagsnostringUp to 10 tags can be added to an account separated by commas. These are generally completed in the TAPI Admin interface or with question-based tag generation
notesnostringFree form text for any notes that need to be added to the account
approvalStatusyesconditionalPrincipal Approval Status: Pending, Approved, Not Approved
approvalPrincipalnostringName of Principal Reviewing the Account
approvalLastReviewnodateDate of previous accreditation review
updatedIpAddressyesintegerIP Address associated with the updateAccount method call.
field1nostringAdditional information relating to the account. Custom Field 1
field2nostringAdditional information relating to the account. Custom Field 2
field3nostringAdditional information relating to the account. Custom Field 3

Sample Request

curl -k -X PUT https://api-sandboxdash.norcapsecurities.com/tapiv3/index.php/v3/updateAccount
 -d clientID=someclientid
 -d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
 -d accountId=A77854
 -d accountRegistration=John
 -d type=Individual
 -d entityType=Revocable Trust
 -d domesticYN=domestic account
 -d streetAddress1=First street
 -d streetAddress2=Third avenue
 -d city=ATLANTA
 -d state=GA
 -d zip=32526
 -d country=USA
 -d phone=41545218562
 -d emai=test@gmail.com
 -d taxID=875451545875855
 -d KYCstatus=pending
 -d AMLstatus=pending
 -d suitabilityScore=5
 -d suitabilityDate=02-18-2016
 -d suitabilityApprover=smith
 -d AccreditedStatus=pending
 -d AIlow=income
 -d AIdate=02-18-2016
 -d 506cLimit=50000
 -d accountTotalLimit=200000
 -d singleInvestmentLimit=100
 -d associatedAC=yes
 -d syndicate=no
 -d tags=terms
 -d notes=Personal Account
 -d approvalStatus=pending
 -d approvalPrincipal=Charles
 -d approvalLastReview=02-15-2016
 -d field1=some text
 -d field2=some text
 -d field3=some text

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
accountIdintegerID for an account
suitabilitystringScore from 1 to 5. With 5 being most suitable and 1 being least suitable
approvalStatusstringPrincipal Approval Status: Pending, Approved, Not Approved

Sample Response

	"statusCode": "101",
	"statusDesc": "Ok",
	"accountDetails": [{
		"accountId": "A77854",
		"suitabilityScore": "5",
		"approvalStatus": "pending"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!