post deprecated
This method is used to request a custodial account. This is the first step to opening a custodial account through North Capital Private Securities. This is specifically for IRA accounts.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
clientID | yes | string | TransactAPI Client ID |
developerAPIKey | yes | string | TransactAPI Developer Key |
accountId | yes | string | Account ID that is generated by the API once an account is created (createAccount) |
appointmentOfInvestmentManager | no | string | 1 - I/We wish to appoint an investment manager. Complete Part 1A 2 - No appointment at this time |
proxyVotingPreferences | no | string | 1 - Receive all proxy materials 2 - Send all proxy marterials to an investment manager 3 - Do not send proxy material |
otherServices | no | string | Please provide the details of the other services required. |
methodOfContributionOrFunding | no | string | 1 - Transfer Direct movement of assets from an IRA into this IRA 2 - Regular Contribution Includes catch-up contributions. 3 - Roth Conversion A taxable movement from a Traditional or Simple IRA into this Roth IRA. By selecting this transaction, you irrevocably designate this contribution as a conversion. 4 - Rollover Distribution from an IRA or eligible employersponsored retirement plan that is being deposited into this IRA. By selecting this transaction, you irrevocably designate this contribution as a rollover. 5 - SEP Contribution Contribution made under a SEP plan. SEP contributions are reported for the year in which the contribution is made |
methodOfContributionTaxYear | no | string | If "methodOfContributionOrFunding is option 2 - this is required to complete "Contribution for Tax Year 'YYYY'. |
internationalAccountNumber | no | string | If the account is an international account, please include the account number here. |
bankFirmName1 | no | string | Name of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held. |
bankCountry1 | no | string | Country of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held. |
bankAccountNumber1 | no | string | Account number of the account where the assets are currently held. |
bankFirmName2 | no | string | Name of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held. |
bankCountry2 | no | string | Country of the bank/firm where the assets are currently held. |
bankAccountName2 | no | string | Name on the account where the assets are currently held. |
bankAccountNumber2 | no | string | Account number of the account where the assets are currently held. |
maritalStatus | yes | conditional | 1 - Not married. 2 - Married If you designate a primary benefiicary other than or in addition to your spouse, spousal consent may be required. |
mailingAddressLine1 | yes | string | Mailing Address Line 1 |
mailingAddressLine2 | no | string | Mailing Address Line 2 |
mailingCity | yes | string | Mailing Address City |
mailingState | yes | string | Mailing Address State |
mailingZipCode | yes | string | Mailing Address Zip Code |
mailingCountry | yes | string | Mailing Address Country |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=someclientid
-d accountId=someaccountid
-d proxyVotingPreferences=proxyVotingPreferences
-d otherServices=otherServices
-d methodOfContributionOrFunding=type
-d methodOfContributionTaxYear=some year
-d internationalAccountNumber=internationalAccountNumber
-d bankFirmName1=bankFirmName1
-d bankCountry1=bankCountry1
-d bankAccountName1=bankAccountName1
-d bankAccount Number1=bankAccount Number1
-d bankFirmName2=bankFirmName
-d bankCountry2=bankCountry
-d bankAccountName2=bankAccountName
-d bankAccountNumber2=bankAccountNumber
-d maritalStatus=1
-d mailingAddressLine1=Mailing Address Line 1
-d mailingAddressLine2=Mailing Address Line 2
-d mailingCity=Mailing Address City
-d mailingState=Mailing Address State
-d mailingZipCode=Mailing Address Zip Code
-d mailingCountry=Mailing Address Country
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | string | API Status Code |
statusDesc | string | API Status Description |
accountDetails | string | An array of custodial account includes all information of the custodial account |
Sample Response
"statusCode": "101",
"statusDesc": "Account added successfully.",
"accountDetails": [
"accountId": "A3110006",
"appointmentOfInvestmentManager": "",
"proxyVotingPreferences": "",
"otherServices": "",
"methodOfContributionOrFunding": "",
"methodOfContributionTaxYear": "",
"internationalAccountNumber": "",
"bankFirmName1": "",
"bankCountry1": "",
"bankAccountName1": "",
"bankAccountNumber1": "",
"bankFirmName2": "",
"bankCountry2": "",
"bankAccountName2": "",
"bankAccountNumber2": "",
"maritalStatus": "married",
"mailingAddressLine1": "",
"mailingAddressLine2": "",
"mailingCity": "",
"mailingState": "",
"mailingZipCode": "",
"mailingCountry": ""