
Request Parameters

clientIDyesstringTransactAPI Client ID
developerAPIKeyyesstringTransactAPI Developer Key
accountIdyesstringAccount ID generated from createAccount
amountyesstringAmount of funds to be transferred
typeyesstringType options: ACH, wire_domestic, wire_international
bankIdnostringThis is only required for wire transfers. Routing number for Domestic Wires. SWIFT ID for International Wires. (ACH transfers will be sent to the account that is connected via linkExternalAccount.)
bankAccountIdnostringThis is only required for wire transfers. U.S. account number for Domestic Wires. IBAN or account number for International Wires. (ACH transfers will be sent to the account that is connected via linkExternalAccount.)
additionalDetailsnostringOpen text field to provide any additional instructions that are required to successfully send the wire transfer

Sample Request

curl -k -X POST
-d clientID=someclientid
-d developerAPIKey=somedeveloperkey
-d accoundId=someaccountid
-d amount=22.23
-d type=wire_domestic
-d bankId=122100024
-d bankAccountId=123456789

Response Parameters

statusCodestringAPI Status Code
statusDescstringAPI Status Description
custodyFundDisbursementstringcustodialFundDisbursement address in an array

requestIdUnique identifier for disbursement request
accountIdAccount ID that request is being made against
amountAmount of disbursement request
typeType of fund disbursement: ACH, wire_domestic, wire_international
bankIdRouting number for Domestic Wires. SWIFT ID for International Wires.
bankAccountIdU.S. account number for Domestic Wires. IBAN or account number for International Wires.
additionalDetailsAny additional details that were passed in the request
statusStatus of the fund disbursement: will be Pending
createdDateDate and timestamp request was created
updatedDateDate and timestamp request was updated

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "101",
    "statusDesc": "Ok",
    "custodyFundDisbursement": {
        "requestId": "a49a68b7-f0ab-45b5-ac07-6ed555259d27",
        "accountId": "A3110006",
        "amount": "1.20",
        "type": "wire_domestic",
        "bankId": "122100024",
        "bankAccountId": "123456789",
        "additionalDetails": "",
        "status": "pending",
        "createdDate": "2024-12-10 23:29:13",
        "updatedDate": "2024-12-10 23:29:13"

Test it Yourself!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!